True or False? Imetrex is the best treatment for Migraines
False, the best treatment for Migraines is preventing them. Lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements can reduce Migraine frequency and severity by 90+%.
Dr. Zodkoy, DC has been treating migraine patients for 30 years with incredible results. Lifestyle choices include avoiding foods high in histamine that trigger migraines.
- Fermented alcoholic beverages, especially wine, champagne and beer
- Fermented foods: sauerkraut, vinegar, soy sauce, kefir, yogurt, kombucha, etc.
- Vinegar-containing foods: pickles, mayonnaise, olives
- Cured meats: bacon, salami, pepperoni, luncheon meats and hot dogs
- Soured foods: sour cream, sour milk, buttermilk, soured bread, etc
- Dried fruit: apricots, prunes, dates, figs, raisins
- Most citrus fruitsAged cheese including goat cheese
- Nuts: walnuts, cashews, and peanutsVegetables: avocados, eggplant, spinach, and tomatoes
- Smoked fish and certain species of fish: mackerel, mahi-mahi, tuna, sardines.
- Alcohol
- Bananas
- Chocolate
- Cow’s Milk
- Nuts
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Shellfish
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes
- Wheat Germ
- Many artificial preservatives and dyes
- Regular exercise is also a key, it helps increase blood flow to the brain, maintain vascular flexability and promote relaxation.
- Reducing stress with yoga and meditation is also useful.
- Nutritional supplements proven to help include; CoQ10, Magnesium, B vitamins and Omega-3.
I recommend my patients take a food multi nutrient instead of individual nutrients. My favorite product is Four Pillar . I also recommend a liver detox formula because most migraine suffers have a slow detox system. the final nutrient is an adrenal complex because that helps to control stress, muscle spasms and vascular flexibility
Additional treatments that help to prevent migraines incluse; Litecure Laser to improve vascular flow and relax muacles, chiropractic care to remove muscle tension and applied kinesiology for improved overall neuromuscular function.
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