Burnout to Outstanding: Can Anxiety Cause Weight Gain?
Burnout to Outstanding : A Diet plan for those with fatigue and anxiety
Part one of Dr. Zodkoy’s new book focuses on how our fatigue and anxiety is affecting our weight.
The Burnout diet for anxiety, fatigue and weight gain is designed to work with the damaged neuro-endocrine system of the sufferer. Burnout sufferers are known to have an abnormal cortisol response which means their endocrine system produces cortisol at the wrong time. Cortisol is the major reason glucose, which turns into energy and if not used fat, is released from the liver. A stress which affects the neuro system causes cortisol release which then leads to glucose being released. The key for those suffering with Burnout and its symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and weight gain is to manage the blood glucose levels and the release of cortisol. There are several key steps to achieving this:
- Eat protein, fat and carbohydrates at the right time of the day
- Avoid foods that interrupt the normal cortisol-glucose pattern
- Eat foods that promote the normal cortisol-glucose pattern
- Use nutritional supplements to restore and improve the normal cortisol-glucose pattern
- Exercise properly to promote the normal cortisol-glucose pattern
- Lifestyle habits that promote the normal cortisol-glucose pattern
Losing weight is extremely difficult for those with Burnout/Adrenal Fatigue or anxiety. Follow our blog to achieve the health and weight you deserve. Follow us on twitter, Facebook and Instagram to insure that you get all the information you need.
If you want immediate assistance, contact Dr. Zodkoy at 732-308-0099 to schedule a consultation.