Am I Suffering from Chronic Stress or Flu Symptoms?

Is Stress triggering your flu?
Chronic stress has been proven to lower your immune system making you more susceptible to to infections including the flu. Chronic stress can also trigger symptoms similar to the flu because of how it affects the body. Some examples include:
1. Loss of blood pressure control can make you feel lightheaded, confused and dazed
2. Loss of glucose level control can cause nausea, lightheadedness and sweats
3. Common complaints including headaches and body aches.
4. Chronic fatigue that won’t end
Long term stress also takes a toll on your mental well-being, making sufferers more prone to exaggerate symptoms and worry more about their health. So how do you tell the difference between the flu and symptoms caused by chronic stress? The flu symptoms escalate very quickly and recovery begins within 72-96 hour. Symptoms from chronic stress slowly escalate and build with no recovery.
Your physical and mental symptoms grow, evolve and become overwhelming as time goes on. While the flu is life threatening, chronic stress robs the quality of your life. So do yourself a favor, and take sometime for yourself, whether that be a relaxing hike, a good book, or a peaceful yoga session! We can all use a little relaxation in our life. And trust me, your body will thank you for it!
To learn more about how to handle your chronic stress, click here for a FREE Adrenal Fatigue test or contact Dr. Zodkoy for recommendations on how you can escape stress with natural treatments like Neuro-Emotional Technique, chiropractic care, and proper nutrition.